Thursday, December 06, 2007

7-9-2007 6:10pm BMW

Today I saw a snail eating ketchup.


Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

awwww poor snail...someone wud have told it 'u gotta catch up' and it mistook that for ketchup !!! :D :p
(sorry...lazy sundays promote bad humor :)

Shivani Gakhar said...

haha and lazy weekdays promote idle observation.. like this one... :) i must have stared at it for half an hour! :)

Siddhartha Joshi said...

i wish u had taken a pic also...i also want to see a snail eating ketchup (rather than a smashed one looking like ketchup herself)...

Shivani Gakhar said...

female snail...?? hmm.. interesting.... i am looking for fotos...

Siddhartha Joshi said...

oh...well thr would be male also! just that i thought it would be female this time :)