Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Illustration Friday - Stir

Stir, stir.. and soon enough, you have a whirlpool

Stir…. Stir
As the coffee goes cold
While you
Think…. Think
Of stuff new and mostly old

Stir…. Stir
The past and the future
And then
Jumble and join
All the pieces together

Stir…. Stir
Dig deeper and deeper
Break through
A layer and another

Stir…. Stir
Till a whirlpool you fake
And so
Breathe…. Breathe
As you lie awake…


Mohita said...

Great poem and the illustration! Really feel her melancholy...

Shivani Gakhar said...

thanks Mohita! Loved your illustrations too :)

ANKITA said...

So nice :)

oinki said...

I'm so excited moment in expression :I